Climate-aware breakfasts at Gothia Towers

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A large proportion of greenhouse gas emissions – both for society as a whole and for our site – are linked to food. Fredrik Andersson, Culinary Executive Chef at Gothia Towers, and his colleagues have worked together to implement a number of measures to reduce this climate impact, so we can achieve our target of halving carbon dioxide emissions by 2030.

One of these initiatives is our climate-aware breakfasts. This draws inspiration from WWF’s One Planet Plate concept, which has been developed together with a team of scientists and calculates a limit for the greenhouse gas emissions associated with one meal in order to stay within the bounds of the Paris Agreement and achieve the UN’s climate goals. The guidance is a maximum of 0.5 kg CO₂e per meal (or a total of 11 kg CO₂e per week).

Providing guidance for mindful choices

Our climate-aware breakfast suggestions consist of 3 different selections from our breakfast buffet. These breakfasts are within the limits of WWF One Planet Plate. They also all provide a tasty and nutritious start to your day, while contributing to sustainable consumption.
Climate-aware breakfast at Gothia Towers
In our breakfast room, you will also see this symbol, which indicates the climate impact of each individual product.

Climate breakfast 1

0.44 kg CO₂e
1 cup of coffee
1 glass of smooth orange juice
1 slice of light sourdough bread
2 slices of cheese
2 slices of cucumber
1 croissant
200 ml oatmeal porridge
100 ml semi-skimmed milk
1 tbsp apple sauce
1 tsp cinnamon

Climate breakfast 2

0.47 kg CO₂e
1 cup of tea
2 glasses of apple juice
1 slice of light sourdough bread
1 tsp Bregott (spread)
2 tbsp beetroot hummus
50 ml fruit & berry muesli
200 ml yoghurt
1 egg
1 tbsp caviar

Climate breakfast 3

0.30 kg CO₂e
1 cup of coffee
1 glass of apple juice
1 slice of light sourdough bread
1 tsp cress
2 tbsp beetroot hummus
1 croissant
50 ml oat drink
200 ml oatmeal porridge
1 tbsp strawberry jam
1 tsp sunflower seeds
1 tsp linseeds
100 ml exotic fruit salad
1 tsp grated coconut

Standard breakfast

0.89 kg CO₂e
1 cup of coffee
1 glass of orange juice
1 slice of light sourdough bread
1 tsp Bregott (spread)
2 slices of cheese
2 slices of cucumber
1 croissant
2 tbsp scrambled eggs
3 slices of fried bacon