Gift cards for businesses
To order Gothia Towers gift cards, e-mail [email protected].
Please provide the following information:
- Company registration number
- Delivery address
- Invoicing address
- Contact person and telephone number
- State which gift cards you want to order
- the number of cards and the amount to be added to each card.
How it works
When Cashcom receives your e-mail order, your gift cards will be sent out without any money on them. Cards will be sent on the next working day. Your invoice will be sent separately.
Once the invoice has been paid and registered by Cashcom, money will be added to the cards in the following way:
Cashcom e-mails the customer to confirm that the invoice has been paid and to ask when the money should be added to the cards. (This confirmation will be sent to the e-mail address from which the order was sent.)
For security reasons, the customer will need to describe the order (number of cards, amounts and orderer).
Invoicing and shipping fees will apply. Cards are valid for one year from the date on which money is added.
Gothia Towers works with a third party in connection with gift card sales. If you have any questions about our gift cards, please contact Cashcom/Goyada’s support team and they will help you.
Cashcom/Goyada support:
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel.: +46 (0)8 555 172 60