Do you and your colleagues often do business trips to Gothenburg?

At hotel Gothia Towers we can offer better rates, a central location in the heart of Gothenburg and excellent communications.

Perhaps you or your colleagues need accommodation for a month, quarter, or maybe for a whole year? If so, Gothia Towers is the best choice for you.

Besides the location, our hotel offers several restaurants and bars, a large gym, fantastic spa and a view over the city of Gothenburg.

Contact me and I will be happy to help you find the best solution according to your specific needs.
Or fill in our form below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Johanna Hulthén
Corporate Sales Manager

Gothia Towers & Upper House
Phone +46 (0)31-708 82 78
Mobile +46 (0)73-633 82 29
[email protected]